The Seed
Expo City Dubai
29 Feb | 09:30 - 09:37
The Seed
A solitary man shares his existential bewilderment with an attentive bartender. Haunted by a pervasive sense of detachment, he seeks solace and answers from his psychiatrist and an enigmatic woman.
Director: Daniel Ortiz
Duration: 0:07:17
Country of origin: Spain
Language: English
Project type: Animation, Experimental, Short
Genre: Art, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Psychological
Aspect ratio: 16:09
Film Color: Black & White

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A solitary man shares his existential bewilderment with an attentive bartender. Haunted by a pervasive sense of detachment, he seeks solace and answers from his psychiatrist and an enigmatic woman.
Director: Daniel Ortiz
Duration: 0:07:17
Country of origin: Spain
Language: English
Project type: Animation, Experimental, Short
Genre: Art, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Psychological
Aspect ratio: 16:09
Film Color: Black & White
Director: Daniel Ortiz
Duration: 0:07:17
Country of origin: Spain
Language: English
Project type: Animation, Experimental, Short
Genre: Art, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Psychological
Aspect ratio: 16:09
Film Color: Black & White