15 Nov | 14:00 - 15:46
Metaverse - AIFF Session 2: Unleashing AI Potential: Navigating Text-to-Video, Image-to-Video, and Video-to-Video Techniques
Step into our exclusive Metaverse realm and immerse yourself in Expo City Dubai's magnificent Al Wasl Plaza, with a virtual screen for you to interact and experience all AIFF sessions.
Immerse yourself in the next thrilling workshop of Expo City Dubai's Artificial Intelligence Film Festival (AIFF) - Unleashing AI Potential: Navigating Text-to-Video, Image-to-Video, and Video-to-Video Techniques. Gain insights from seasoned professionals and engage in practical demonstrations to enhance your filmmaking skills with the aid of AI.
18:00 GST: Session Introduction - Haitham Al Beik - Director - Human-Centric Solutions
18:05 GST Laia Grassi - Generative AI & Advertising Creative Director
18:40 GST Sachin Kamath - Co-founder of AI Lemon Academy
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18:00 GST: Session Introduction - Haitham Al Beik - Director - Human-Centric Solutions
18:05 GST Laia Grassi - Generative AI & Advertising Creative Director
18:40 GST Sachin Kamath - Co-founder of AI Lemon Academy